I work at the Beverly Hills library every Saturday and see celebrities there infrequently. This weekend I was approached by someone I didn't recognize, except that she's been in the library before. She asked me to help her find a video about "wild street kids," since some racks have been cleared out for reorganizing, but I couldn't track down the video about homeless children that she was looking for. Then she gave me her name, "Diana Ross" and asked me to find the tape in her records. I tried not to betray anything in my face...it really was her! She was wearing all white, no makeup, looked "pretty good, considering," as a coworker put it.
Although I wasn't able to help her any further with that video, she did check out "Being John Malkovich."
Although I wasn't able to help her any further with that video, she did check out "Being John Malkovich."