Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Diana Ross tour leads way in event safety

L-R: Andy Cotton (TAO Group), Chris Marsh (production manager / FOH sound engineer), Mike Droke (tour manager). Photos courtesy of Media Ink PR / Anna Morgan.

Europe - TAO Misc (part of the TAO Group) and Major Tom have joined forces to deliver a new level of health and safety for the touring industry, pioneered on Diana Ross' European I Love You tour.

Highlighting the lack of awareness of responsibility for health and safety issues on tour, and seeking to eliminate the 'fingers crossed' approach to this important issue, TAO's Andy Cotton, who lecturers for the UK Home Office on event safety, and Major Tom's Chris Marsh, Diana Ross sound engineer / production manager have developed the approach to ensure all legal requirements and safety measures are met, proving it can be done in a cost effective manner on a medium size tour.

For the recent Diana tour, TAO produced all health and safety documentation and risk assessments (including fire under the new Regulatory Reform Act), event guidance documentation, produced crew tour welfare books listing nearest amenities and basic principals of safe working, and signed off rigging, staging, lighting and sound systems.

They liaised with American crew and suppliers, monitored crowd movement and reaction during the show, oversaw traffic and pedestrian management, addressed changes during the tour and handled all nitty gritty specifics concerning health, safety, welfare and security. "Our role and focus was to look around site, highlight H&S issues, and not only report the problem, but provide the solution," explained Cotton."

"Having fully researched current health and safety regulations and legislations I found it scary to see how many things you thought were just practice or venue related ideas that were possibly an obstruction to your every day work, are actually a legal requirement," continued Marsh, "and as production manager the buck stops with you. I'd worked with Andy Cotton before and respected his approach. The health and safety of your crew and audience shouldn't be swept under the carpet and we both strongly felt shows like this need someone to oversee this whole area. As experts, TAO developed a complete strategy, providing total peace of mind and enabling the crew and myself to get on with our jobs."

Diana Ross' tour manager, Mike Droke agreed, "It's a great guard against litigious action, so things where normally we've said that's fine and deemed safe, we're taking a second look at. I've seen a bit of this in Australia, but the States isn't all over it yet. On this tour every sheet and curtain is fire retardant, every cable is taped properly, and we know no-one is going to sue the sound engineer because the sound is too high."

"We think it's important that industry starts to implement this practice on every tour," stresses Marsh. "Our biggest fear is people will only wake up to this when something goes really, really wrong. I'l continue to work with TAO to take this to every tour I am involved with. I'd rather be one of the first test cases of introducing this health and safety practice rather than one of the first in court defending my name."

Friday, May 25, 2007

Miss Diana Ross performance, May 19th at the Ahoy, Rotterdam,The Netherlands.

Miss Ross performance May 19th at the Ahoy, Rotterdam,The Netherlands.

What can I say?? We were around 16.30 at the Ahoy and saw many fans were standing at The Ahoy waiting for Miss Ross. Miss Ross arrived around 17.00 in a silver mercedes with blinded windows. There were a lot of fans who brought CD's and pictures in the hope she would sign them just as she did in 2004. But the car drove immediately into the garage from the Ahoy. (see Europe Tour 2007)

We went to the Ahoy Café with some fans to talk and meet each other. Some we've never seen in real life, but we knew each other from the old ROSS magazine and the internet groups.

There were are a lot of fans coming from other countries. From the U.S.A, Bernard from L.A nice to see him again! From the U.K, Andrew Roland and Glen Stevens with his mom (guys nice to speak and to see you both) And Andreas, Carolin,Uli, Maria, Sebastian, Alberto, Franz and Michael from Germany, Patrick Ibens, a very nice guy from Belgium, Miguel Silva from Portugal, Bruno, Francesco (Bruno thanks for the DVD's, speak to you soon) from Italy Angelo and Andreas from Greece you are such a kind person, always caring for me, thanks!!

Many Dutch ROSS friends Thea, Frans,Hans H, Hans D,Bart,Michael van Gooi; nice to meet you, Michael Pieplenbosch (you always think of me with sending pictures and files), Helen, Quint I could only wave to you, Ron, Steve, Rick, Jaap, Niels, Henk, Kees, John, Walther & Hasan a long time friend,Angelique van den Burg sorry for forgotten you after so many years, Esther van der Hel thanks for saying hello, the girls Annie & Hilda you both are so sweet being around Ron & me. My other Girl "The Dutch Diana Ross" you are the best and it was so nice that Diana played with you at the concert, so funny how she reacted on you and your dress. Gonny, Rietje, Rina, Janine, Jolanda, dad and mom (Ron's parents) nice to have you with us.

So many people who came to me to thank me, during the evening, outside The Ahoy, at the concert, before and after the show in the Ahoy Café. Sorry I could not talk to everyone. I wished I could split myself in hundred pieces to give you more attention and speak longer with you!! For all the others I forgot....nice to meet you!! I hope you had a wonderful evening just as we did.

The concert was great!! We enjoyed ourselves very much.

I was lucky to have permission to take pictures with the Dutch press during the first 3 songs, here are some pictures I have made,more will follow!!

More from the concert !!www.dianarossfanclub.net

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Tommie Ross - Miss Sweetheart 2007 as Diana Ross and The Supremes

What can we say...it's the legendary Tommie Ross giving us an awesome talent performance as she went on to win this year's Mr. and Miss Sweetheart Internatinal pageant in Hollywood, Florida.

Saturday, May 05, 2007


Diana Ross
Op zaterdag 19 mei 2007 geeft Diana Ross een eenmalig concert in Ahoy Rotterdam. Het concert is onderdeel van de 'I Love You' Tour van de Amerikaanse popdiva. Het Nederlandse publiek maakte in de 60’s voor het eerst kennis met Diana Ross, toen nog als lid van het succesvolle trio The Supremes. Het besluit van Diana Ross om in 1970 als solo artiest verder te gaan bleek een gouden greep. Met een carrière die inmiddels meer dan 40 jaar overspant wist Ross uit te groeien tot één van de grootste popdiva’s ter wereld.

Met onder andere ‘Ain’t No Mountain High Enough’, ‘Reach Out And Touch’, ‘Upside Down’, ‘Why Do Fools Fall In Love’ en ‘Endless Love’ scoorde de soul diva hit na hit. Haar hitsingle ‘When You Tell Me That You Love Me’ werd in 2005 opnieuw uitgebracht in duet met boy band Westlife.

Tijdens het concert in Ahoy in Rotterdam zingt Diana Ross nummers van haar laatste album dat eind vorig jaar uitkwam: ‘I Love You’, en hits uit haar gehele repertoire. De zangeres gaf nog een uitverkocht concert in Nederland in maart 2004.

Meer informatie www.dianarossfanclub.net